What you begin with confidence, you will finish with success
DuoEcon Inc. business structure is segmented into three main groups: M&A, Capital, and Estates. The business groups operate as independent operations with interdependent goals to ensure growth and shareholder value.
The DuoEcon Inc. M&A Group focuses on small business opportunities that have a proven track record and are approximately $1M to $10M in revenue. We typically seek companies that have the potential to grow organically or with new technology.
The DuoEcon Capital Group is responsible for managing the financials within the M&A and Real Estate Groups. Additionally, the DuoEcon Inc. 401k plan is governed by the Capital Group.
The prime objective of the DuoEcon Estates Group is to ensure that all DuoEcon Inc. businesses are operating on DuoEcon Inc. owned commercial real estate.
The DuoEcon Inc. businesses all have a functional organization structure. The President of each business reports into DuoEcon Inc. corporate leadership. The organizational structure within the small businesses in consideration for acquisition is evaluated as part of the Due Diligence process. We have found that a considerable amount of small businesses typically have a flat organizational structure where all employees report into the Principle of the business. In order for the company to grow effectively, we create a Functional Organization structure where Sales, Finance, Production, and Engineering would report directly to the President. These respective departments would be responsible for staying on track to their budget and also exceeding their respective Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s).